The club's 2-m FM net has resumed for the winter months. Put Thursdays at 7PM on your calendar and check in with us on the K1HF Marshfield Repeater 146.775- PL 192.8.
Boat Anchor Hamfest Feb 15
Do not miss one of the funnest hamfests of every year here in Maine. Shake off the winter blues and attend the Boat Anchor Hamfest on Saturday, Feb 15 at the Calumet Club at 334 W River Road in Augusta.8am until noon.
Looking for a good deal on a used HF rig? Need an antenna to get you on the bands? This is your opportunity to buy, trade, or sell ham radio equipment. Join in the fun at Maine's first hamfest of 2025!
MHRS RadioActive Youtube Videos
This video features N1EP, AC1BS, and KA1DBE demonstrating and discussing Morse code, straight keys, and portable events. Click here: Morse Code Fun an More!
The Maine Seagull Net features Jerry Burns, K1GUP talking about the rich history of the Seagull Net and more...
Here is a link to the channel where you can see all the Maine Ham Radio Society videos: Mainely Ham Radio
NBEMS & Message Forms
The Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System (NBEMS) suite of programs are perfectly adapted to emergency communications, but are also great digital fun for DXing, ragchewing, and other activities.
FLDIGI is the main component and you can communicate using psk-31, olivia, rtty, and many more modes. N1EP gave an FLDIGI demo during the Feb 5 club Zoom meeting and highlighted FLDIGI and FLMSG. The FLMSG allows you to send and receive multiple message forms, such as radiograms, digitally via the amateur radio airwaves. It is a faster and more accurate way of relaying message traffic than doing so by voice.
You can get more information on the entire NBEMS suite at